Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Hey, Friends!

It's my turn on the Sketches in Thyme blog, today, sharing my layout for this fabulous sketch by Laura Rumble.


I had these photos of one of my boys, who was looking quite handsome in them, I thought. As a matter of fact, I had wanted to make the title of my layout 'Handsome Highwayman', but decided that it was too long for the page. I might go back and add 'handsome' in as a smaller word strip, or something, but then again, maybe not. :)
This guy of mine loves to design costumes and can be found as a character from a recent book, or when there is no new inspiration, a character from Star Wars, on any given day. Just the kind of thing a mom wants to document!

I chose Whisper White cardstock, from Stampin' Up!® for my background, used the packaging technique to create the watercolor splotches behind the photos, and then watered down some Folkart Pure Gold acrylic paint to make the gold splatters.

I did a wee bit of stamping behind the photos, just three little impressions from one of my favorite Stampin' Up! sets (Organic Grace-retired), just to add a bit of interest and visual dimension to the background.

 All of the embellishments were printed from digital kits. That fabulous antique pistol is from the Cedar Creek elements kit by Raspberry Road Designs. (Sadly, this kit is no longer available.) All the others are from various kits at Pixel Scrapper.

I cut the title on my Sizzix Eclips using the Emillia Script font using Basic Black cardstock from Stampin' Up!.

When it came time for the journaling, I liked the clean look of this layout so much, that I just couldn't do all of that writing around the edge, so I added my journaling to the back, instead.

That wraps up my layout for this sketch. I hope you enjoyed seeing it and you are inspired to come play with us at Sketches in Thyme!

Until next time!

GATHER | Sketches in Thyme #380

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Hello Friends and Welcome!

Today is my very first turn to share a layout for the Sketches in Thyme design team using this sketch created by Brenshevia.


And here's my page.

I knew right away what photos I wanted to use for this project.
We just moved to a new house, and I'm pretty excited about it. I decided to create an album to document just the house - what it is like now, and all the changes that we make during our time here.

I've been watching Nathalie DeSousa (one of my favorite YouTube scrappers) create some amazing layouts in her Life Crafted Album by Citrus Twist Kits, so I decided to use the same binder for my album.

To create my layout for this challenge, I started by rotating the sketch 90º to the right so it fit better with my page size of 5" x 8 1/4".

I used mixed media paper for the background and added some watercolor splotches using a blue ink to match the sky in the photo of our house.

For the papers, I looked through some digital scrapbook papers from various designers at Pixel Scrapper and decided on the green and the white washed brick as the main papers to use for this page. A few scraps of other digi papers mat the photo.

Next I went to some old Citrus Twist Grace Box kits to pull out embellishements from the Jen Hadfield Home + Made ephemera pack, and the title from the Pink Paislee Auburn Lane puffy stickers. Oh! And one of those iconic Tim Holtz tickets made the layout, too. :)

Lastly, I diluted some gold acrylic craft paint to add splatters to the pages.

For the left page, where I put my journaling for this two page layout, I used the SIT sketch #379, deisgned by yours truly.
Because of the small size of the page, I simplified the layering quite a bit, and chose not to use the word strips at the left of the sketch.

I love using sketches because they can save a lot of time when working on a project. I hope you are inspired by this layout to see that you can use a 12" x 12" sketch for projects in other sizes.

Until next time!


Decorative Label Punch (retired) - Stampin' Up!®

Rumpel : A Not Fairy Tale

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The problem with having a daughter who is a writer is that she tends to rub off on me.  And yes, I'm not sure if I like that.

So, what's this all about?

My eldest daughter is immersed in blog land in several capacities that all center around writing. Her latest endeavor is a blog focused on all things fairy tale. (If you want to check it out, visit the Fairy Tale Central.)

The featured fairy tale for April 2019 is Rumpelstiltskin, and, in coordination with the FTC, this same daughter is hosting a writing prompt on one of her other blogs, Intuitive Writing Guide.

Yes. You guessed it. The 'rub off' this time is that I couldn't resist taking the challenge and writing a scene for this prompt.

Without further ado, a scene from Rumpel, by yours truly.

Margrate stared at the letter. Sweat began to bead along her lip and brow and her lungs started gasping for breath. Fifty thousand yeflin was a lot of gold! Where was she going to get all that money? How was she going to get it? Her nerves shifted into overdrive and sweat began to roll down her back, too.

“Calm your self, Margrate. There has to be a way to do this. The children of Glashbain are counting on you.”

Margrate took a deep breath and willed herself to stop shaking. A few paces around the room didn’t do much to help counter the raw adrenaline pumping through her body.

Fifty yeflin in two weeks. It was impossible.  And yet, she had to do it.

Another trip across the room and she turned to pace back to the other side of the attic.

Margrate screeched with fright when she saw a man just to the left of the door, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

“Really.  I’m not that frightening, am I?”

While Margrate worked at breathing in order to calm the thudding in her chest she studied the source of the question.  A shock of blond hair fell across his brow, drawing attention to the green eyes framed with light brown lashes. The intensity of those eyes was softened by the lines feathering their outside corners, but it was so slight that one could miss it. That fact left her wondering if she should take him at his word, or trust her gut, which was telling her that this man was not someone to turn your back on.

“That all depends.” said Margrate.

The man quirked a brow in question and Margrate found herself answering that question, almost against her will.

“Why are you here? And who are you?”, she said. Drat! Why do I sound like a teenager scared to answer truth or dare?

“The name is Rumpel.”, was the terse answer given. “And I’m here because I was informed that you need some gold.”

SOME gold, thought Margrate.

“What does that have to do with you? And how did you know that? And how did you get in here?” Sheesh! Couldn’t she just have a minute, just ONE minute to catch her breath and settle her mind so she would quit sounding so ridiculous?

“I’m here to make you the gold you need.”, came the reply while not a muscle moved in the man across from her.

Margrate shook her head and spit out the first words that came to mind. “Yeah, right! And I’m going to be crowned queen in three weeks time.”

The subtle change on Rumpel’s face could have been considered a smirk, if he wasn’t doing such a good job of imitating a statue. And now that she thought about it, he hadn’t told her how he knew what she needed, or how he got into the attic room.

“Regardless of your future plans, you need the gold before then, so I suggest that we get to work. Give me your necklace, please.”

“What! No way! And wait just a minute! How did you know about my necklace? And what do you want with it?”

“It is gold, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but … Wait! Aren’t you going to make gold for me?”

“That is the bargain, yes.”

“Then why do you need my gold necklace?”

“Do you want my help or not?”

Not sounded pretty good to Margrate right about now. No way, no how was he getting his hands on the only thing she had left of her mother.

Do you know what the really bad part is about this? I'm not a writer. But now I want to finish writing this story.

Whoever said children get easier as they get older might not know what they are talking about! LOL

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.

I hope you have a fantastic week!

Sketches in Thyme : Sketch #360

Sunday, February 10, 2019

It's sketch time over at the Sketches in Thyme blog!

This week's sketch was created by the lovely Shawn Lahr.  Isn't this fantastic?

Sketches in Thyme challenge blog : sketch #360

Come on over to see what the Mavens have done with it, and remember, there's a new layout made from the sketch posted every day, Friday through Thursday.

Want a link right to each Maven's layout?  Here you go!

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Elizabeth

Sketches in Thyme : I'm a Sketch Designer!

Saturday, February 9, 2019

One of my ambitions for 2019 was to become amember of a design team ... somewhere.

I know.  That is not a very precise goal.  But it wasn't really a goal.  Just an ambition.

I'm very, very pleased to say that that ambition was realized last week when I was invited to be a sketch designer for Sketches in Thyme scrapping challenge blog.

I am beyond excited to join all of these ladies in bringing scrapbooking sketches and inspiration to crafters on a weekly basis.

Be sure to come over and check out the latest challenge.  We'd love to have you join us!