Why Nutty?

Hi!  Glad you stopped by to share a little of my creativity.  If you are wondering why 'Nutty', here is the story.

Several years ago I joined an online community and used the web name 'Nutty4Knitting'.  Yes, it's a knitting community,  Knit Picks Knitting Community, to be exact, and everyone there soon started calling me 'Nutty'.  As the members there got to know me, they thought the name fit for other reasons, as well, and so it stuck.

Since I'm 'nutty' for a few other things, too, like spinning, crocheting, quilting, paper crafting, and gardening, and since this blog is to be a journal for me of all the things I plan to do, and the ones I actually finish! I decided Nutty's News was the best title.

It also happens that my husband's favorite Little Debbie snacks are Nutty Bars!!  Chocolate and me ...  he has great taste, don't you think?