No....NOT because I'm expecting! lol
I just want to spruce up my homey place. The fact that the comforter on my bed has large holes appearing in it every time I pull it up at night means I also have a need to spruce up some things around the house.
I have a new quilt all planned, and even lots of fabrics chosen for it. We'll see if I have enough...or wind up with a reason to spend some money! =)
I've also been browsing Pinterest, the Antique Pattern Library, Ravelry and my own hoard of crochet pattern books for some lovely edgings I can put on pillowcases, a bed ruffle and window trimmings.
I have lots of ideas in my head and have even gotten started! Here's a peak at a filet crochet panel that will be part of a bedspread. I'm still working out the details...whether it will be all crochet, or crochet panels alternated with fabric panels, but I've started and I am really enjoying the quiet time to work on it, as well as seeing my time and effort grow into something pretty.
The pattern for this panel can be found in Grand Album de Modèles pour Filet No. 3, (chart No. 45 on page 12 of the PDF.) edited by Edouard Boucherit and available for free at the Antique Pattern Library. (Scroll down the page of the first link to find the file listed under the editor's name.)
Thanks so much for stopping by today. Happy Spring!